Dear friends,
I’m excited to publish another beautiful conversation on my podcast. I have a whole list full of gratitude and names of women that I am going to have on this year and I am so looking forward to each conversation.
In this episode I talk to my friend, mentor, coach and beautiful human Mel Wiggins about the healing magic of circles; something so timely for me, as I transition into more and more circle work and really finding my calling there.
Mel helps brilliant women build courage and lead well. She has not one, but two wonderful podcasts and her wonderfully grounded and gentle coaching business.
We could have talked for many more hours, but in this episode we cover
☾ what business coaching can look like when we turn away from the “boss babe” hustle culture
☾ how being “nice” has cost us women so much
☾ the risk for us not to belong
☾ the meaning of place in our lives and Mel’s Northern Ireland heritage
☾ the healing nature of circles
☾ sharing to be known and listening to know
☾ a bit about our other projects and my retreat in Maine that is coming up this October (see more below)
I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as we did and both Mel and I would be delighted to go deeper in the comments.
You can find more of Mel on her webpage, her Instagram, as well as her phenomenal podcast “Courage is calling”, which contains so much gold for any women doing business. In her other podcast project “Making an effort”, Mel is beautifully relatable and funny and together with co-host Gabby she talks about all the things she’s making an effort with or not.
If you are curious about sitting in circle with me this spring and you are local to Oklahoma consider joining me for this event:
I would love to hear your thoughts about this conversation below.
If you or someone you know might be the perfect fit to be on “Milk & Bone” do not hesitate to reach out.
As always,
in wild belonging,
How would it feel in your body, to get away for a weekend, rest your mind, open your heart, eat the most amazing food and sit in circle with me?
Come to Maine with me. You can find all the details here.
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